Matka movie 2024 V2 Hindi (Cleaned) 1080p 720p 480p HDTS x264

Movie Trailer

IMDb Rating: x/10
Genres: Action, Crime, Drama
Language: Hindi (Cleaned)
Quality: 1080p / 720p / 480p [HQ HDTS]
Size: See below ▼
Director:  Karuna Kumar
Writers:  Karuna Kumar
Stars: Varun Tej, Meenaakshi Chaudhary, Nora Fatehi
Storyline: Set between the years 1958 and 1982, based on the Matka gambling scams that rocked the country in the 20th century

[ক্লিক করার পর এড আসলে ব্যাক দিয়ে আবার ক্লিক করুন]